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We will have fun again. We will go out again.

We will dance, laugh and play again. 

As we start to return to normal, let’s create a new normal.

A safer normal, for everyone. 


Safe Gigs is a new initiative to make gigs and nightlife safer by creating a zero tolerance environment for sexual violence.


We want to work with musicians, comedians, performers, promoters, crew, staff, venues, security and gig goers to eliminate sexual violence. 


Sexual violence is an on-going issue in Ireland and is seen as a 'normal' part of our nightlife - ask any woman you know and she'll tell you about a time she was sexually harassed at a bar. Sexual assault and harassment extends beyond gig goers - those who work in nightlife are also subjected to it. 

A European study in 2018 found that 56% of nightlife participants had experienced some form of sexual violence in a nightlife setting. 


Yes - we want to work with everyone to make nightlife safer in Ireland. Watch this space for more information!

In the meantime, follow us on Instagram and send us a DM if you would like to get involved. We'd love to hear from you so make sure to follow us!

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